Denver Startups List

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Meet 6 Project Management View everyone

ID 409789

Brandon Schatz

Founder, Inc • Worked at @u-s-army • Studied at @missouri-state-university

ID 482767

Emily Gold

Student @ Startup Institute Boston | Full-Stack Customer Experience Designer + Evangelist

ID 131639

Remington Robertson

Product guru; design enthusiast; gentleman scoundrel. Founded two former startups with just under 1M in private angel investment.

ID 656256

Alexander Iliev

ID 436045

Jason Shoemaker

Love creating awesome products. Created functional beverage company. Managed creation of iPhone to do list app. Experienced consultant @accenture and @ey.

ID 173907

Kyle Sleeper

Project manager at Milsal McCaull | Winner AT&T and GM Connected Car Hackathon | Former producer TEDxSF

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